Key Performance Indicators in Field Service Businesses

ServiceEchoBusiness Tips, Field Service, Management

Key Performance Indicators are metrics that need to be considered by all operating managers and leadership teams to manage the daily execution of your operations. Understanding KPIs is a critical step to helping managers make decisions regarding your business. In this blog, we’ll walk through a couple of the most important KPIs for field service businesses, and how ServiceEcho and Salesforce can help you track them.

Customer satisfaction

Customers are the most important part of any business. If customers are satisfied, they’re more likely to return and give you more repeat business. Customer retention rate is another KPI closely related to customer satisfaction, and working on one will improve the other. Customer surveys are a good way to measure this, and adding incentives will ensure that you get a good number of responses.

First Time Fix Rate

FTFR is the percentage of service jobs that are solved in just one visit. Typically this metric is one of the main ones to see a large increase after implementing Field Service Management software. Why? Because with access to information, resources, and greater reporting features from the field, technicians have a better chance to solve the problem the customer in front of them is facing. If many of your customers require more than one service call, it can be an indication that technicians need more support in the field. A low first-time fix rate can eventually lead to dissatisfied customers and customer attrition.

Jobs completed per Week

This is an obvious metric, but the results may surprise you if you’re not tracking it. This KPI affects almost every other metric, so making sure nothing is below the expected result is essential. If you do find that you have an underperformer, it might not necessarily be their fault – it could be that your dispatchers are sending the wrong technicians to jobs. 

Travel Time

A good metric to track is the time it takes your technicians to arrive at their job sites. If travel times seem unnecessarily high, it could mean that technicians are being sent to jobs that are too far away from each other, there are not enough technicians in the field, or there are too many last-minute changes to routes. ServiceEcho can provide technicians with the most efficient routing in-app, and also allow dispatchers to view all of their technicians on a single screen, which helps to send the right person to the right job.

While these are just a few of the metrics that field service businesses should be aware of, a key takeaway of this post is that you can’t improve what you can’t measure. And having an FSM solution is the most robust, easiest way to track all of the relevant metrics to your operations, and even some that you wouldn’t have considered. To learn more about how our solution can work for your unique needs, book a demo with one of our experts below.