Three Field Service Technologies you should be using now and why

ServiceEchoField Service, Management

Software programs and technological advancements make jobs much easier, especially when running a field service firm. Managing a field service team is a demanding task in itself, but doing it manually can quickly turn into a nightmare. With all of the technology that is being improved and introduced around you, it is ideal that you accept it and incorporate it into your current workflow. 

In today’s blog, we’ll discuss three field service technologies that you should consider using right now.

Dashboard and Reports 

When managing your field service business, it is always crucial to seek ways to improve your present process and operations. Making job enhancements and modifications can be simplified with the use of dashboards and reports. The dashboard provides a high-level summary of the company’s performance. Dashboards and reports can assist decision-makers to make more informed decisions by highlighting critical performance indicators and metrics. A dashboard can save your firm a lot of time when it comes to making decisions because all critical information is presented.

At ServiceEcho, we understand the importance of dashboards and reporting, which is why we made certain that our solution includes a visible and customizable dashboard for all field service firms.

Scheduling and Dispatching tool

Scheduling and dispatching are important tasks for dispatchers to undertake, and ensuring that the process runs smoothly should be the company’s best practice. Manually performing this can be difficult and time-consuming because it requires a lot of back and forth between the dispatcher and the field team, which can lead to downtime. The ability to digitally organize and dispatch your field personnel through an easy-to-use drag-and-drop feature makes this procedure not only seamless but also more efficient. The dispatcher can simply organize workers to the required work orders and get them to their job sites quicker. Having a dependable scheduling system in place allows dispatchers to be more effective with their time and more flexible. We at ServiceEco understand how crucial this process is for trade organizations, which is why we included it as one of our essential features in our mobile application. Dispatchers can organize personnel based on a color code or geographical region using our simple drag and drop scheduler tool.

Mobile field service application 

Having a mobile field service application boosts productivity and convenience significantly. It enables office staff to communicate with the field team and track work order completions. It boosts technician productivity as it allows them to complete most manual input tasks digitally in a short period of time. Documenting work order notes and invoicing clients may all be done utilizing the mobile application, making the process less time-consuming and more precise. The mobile application will assist technicians in completing work orders more quickly while on the job. It is incredibly convenient for field employees since they do not have to take pen and paper to job sites, and it is less stressful because it eliminates all back and forth communication with the staff in the office.

ServiceEcho has developed a mobile application to assist you with all of your field service needs. We take satisfaction in assisting field service firms in resolving field service pain points and enhancing overall company efficiency. To discover more about our field service mobile application or our solution, schedule a demo today and speak with a representative!